Delete Rows

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The delete tool in table editor lets you remove records (rows) in a table based on conditions. These conditions correspond to expressions that filter the rows that will be deleted.

1. Click Toolbar > Delete

2. Enter condition in the text box:

  • Enter the name of the field you want to filter, to then delete. Select the matching one from the autocomplete list.
    Tip: For a complete list of field suggestions use the shortcut: CTRL+SHIFT+C
  • The following operators can be used to set the conditions(s):
    Operator Description
    =, IS Equal
    >,>= Greater than, Greater than or equal
    <= Less than, Less than or equal
    <>,!=, IS NOT Not equal
    AND Displays records if all the conditions are TRUE
    OR Displays a record if either of the conditions is TRUE
    BETWEEN Between a range
    LIKE Search for a pattern (e.g.: similar values between columns)
    IN To specify multiple possible values for a column
    NULL Null values
  • Enter a numeric or string value after the operator.
Note: To filter string type records, you will need to use either single or double quotes for the value.

3. Click Apply

  • Whenever you apply a condition the status bar on the bottom right will show if the filtering process is still in progress.

4. To clear the condition box, click on the drop-down next to Apply and select Clear

Tip: Checking for results: To find out how many records have been filtered look at the table summary in the far right of the navigation bar: